How to Clear Cache and Free Up Storage on Your Android Device

How to Clear Cache and Free Up Storage on Your Android Device: Over time, our Android devices tend to accumulate unnecessary files and data, leading to limited storage space and slower performance. Clearing the cache and freeing up storage is essential to maintain a smooth and efficient user experience.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore step-by-step procedures to help you clear cache and reclaim storage space on your Android device. From understanding what cache is and its purpose to utilizing built-in Android features and third-party apps, you’ll learn effective techniques to optimize your device’s storage.

Let’s dive in and reclaim valuable space on your Android device.

Understanding What Is Cache and Its Purpose

Before we begin clearing the cache, it’s important to understand what cache is and why it exists. This section provides a brief overview:

What is Cache?

Cache is temporary data stored on your device to speed up app loading and improve performance. It includes files, images, and other data that apps use frequently.

Purpose of Cache?

Cache helps apps load faster by retrieving frequently accessed data from local storage instead of downloading it each time. It enhances the user experience by reducing loading times and minimizing the strain on network resources.

How To Clear Cache and Free Up Storage on Your Android Device (5 Steps)

Step-1: Clearing Cache Using Built-in Android Settings

Android devices offer built-in options to clear cache for individual apps or all apps at once. Follow these steps:

Clear Cache for Individual Apps

  • Go to “Settings” on your Android device.
  • Select “Apps” or “Applications” from the menu.
  • Choose the app you want to clear the cache for.
  • Tap on “Storage” or “Storage & cache.”
  • Tap on “Clear cache” or “Clear storage.”

Clear Cache for All Apps

  • Go to “Settings” on your Android device.
  • Select “Storage” or “Storage & memory.”
  • Tap on “Cached data” or “Cached files.”
  • Confirm the action to clear cache for all apps.

Step-2: Clearing Cache for System Apps and Cached Data

In addition to app-specific cache, your Android device stores system app cache and other cached data. Clearing these caches can free up significant storage space. Follow these steps:

Clear System App Cache

  • Go to “Settings” on your Android device.
  • Select “Storage” or “Storage & memory.”
  • Tap on “Cached data” or “Cached files.”
  • Confirm the action to clear cache for system apps.

Clear Cached Data for Chrome Browser

  • Open the Chrome browser on your Android device.
  • Tap on the three-dot menu at the top-right corner.
  • Go to “Settings” and select “Privacy.”
  • Tap on “Clear browsing data.”
  • Check the “Cached images and files” option and tap “Clear data.”

Step-3: Utilizing Smart Storage Features

Android devices offer smart storage features that automatically free up space by deleting unnecessary files. Follow these steps to enable and utilize these features:

Enable Smart Storage

  • Go to “Settings” on your Android device.
  • Select “Storage” or “Storage & memory.”
  • Look for “Smart Storage” or “Automatic storage management.”
  • Toggle the feature on and configure the desired settings.

Utilize Smart Storage Options

  • Configure automatic deletion of backed-up photos and videos that are already safely stored in the cloud.
  • Enable the option to delete downloaded files that haven’t been accessed for a specific period.

Step-4: Clearing App Caches with Third-Party Apps

Apart from the built-in options, several third-party apps specialize in clearing app caches and optimizing storage. Here are a few popular choices:


  • Download and install CCleaner from the Google Play Store.
  • Launch the app and navigate to the “Storage Analyzer” section.
  • Select the app caches you want to clear and tap “Clean.”

Files by Google

  • Install the Files by Google app from the Google Play Store.
  • Open the app and go to the “Clean” tab.
  • Tap on “Junk files” and select “Cache files.”
  • Review the cache files and tap “Delete.”

Step-5: Additional Tips to Free Up Storage Space

In addition to clearing cache, implementing a few more strategies can help you free up storage space on your Android device:

Uninstall Unused Apps

  • Go to “Settings” on your Android device.
  • Select “Apps” or “Applications.”
  • Tap on the app you want to uninstall.
  • Tap “Uninstall” and confirm the action.

Manage Downloads and Files

  • Use file manager apps or the built-in Files app to locate and delete unnecessary downloads and files.

Utilize Cloud Storage and Streaming Services

  • Upload photos, videos, and documents to cloud storage platforms like Google Drive or Dropbox to free up local storage.
  • Stream music and videos instead of downloading them to save storage space.


By following the step-by-step procedures outlined in this guide, you can clear cache and reclaim valuable storage space on your Android device. Clearing app caches, utilizing smart storage features, and employing third-party apps can significantly optimize your device’s performance and enhance its storage capacity. Regular maintenance and storage management are key to maintaining a smooth and efficient Android experience. Free up space and enjoy a clutter-free device that performs at its best.